Tedros - молд от компании Iplehouse, размер EID (70 см). Впервые появился в серии Noctarcana Circus в качестве химеры и Хозяина Цирка. С этого момента к нему приклеился образ смуглого парня с бородкой, который снова использовался компанией в создании образа лимитки Tokio Story.

Noctarcana Circus

В аутфит Tedros Circus Master входили человеческие и львиные голова, руки, ступни, львиный хвост, трость химеры, белая рубашка, обувь, брюки, жилет, полупальто (кожанное), шляпа. Хозяин цирка был представлен в Special Real Skin (смуглая кожа).

Биография Tedros Circus Master от компании Iplehouse

Возраст: не известно
Семья: мать

Исходный текст: He was born as an illegitimate child between a woman who plays at circus troupe and a very rich nobleman. His father had no children and accepted Tedros as his successor, so Tedros was growing up, apart from his mother. From the phase of adolescence, hi was being suffered from sudden change on his body, but he got know there is real mother separately and then left for the trip to meet his real mother. Also, he got to know that his real mother was a chimera like him, and to find out his identity, together with the circus troupe, he wonders the world and starts collecting various information. One day when he became a young man, he got news about his father's death, and inherited enormous wealth and huge island. Later, he put a base on this island, and established Noctarcana circus troupe. And he starts bringing to this island chimeras like him, talented acrobats or players on the street.

Tokio Story

В аутфит Tedros Tokio Story входили кимоно, хакама, гета, один или два меча на выбор. Был представлен в Light Brown skin (смуглая кожа).